A very chilly day in Prague. No more warm days on the beach, I think. Do not fret however, czech hunter attempt to bring you much more outdoor action in the future. But today I got seduced by a good flat simply few meters away. Well, not by the flat itself however by it’s owner, a 23 years of ages czech bricklayer named Radek. czechhunter satisfied him when he was on the method from the health club. I was a little worried he may be too tired to also speak. I understand such a feeling. Yet he was alright and also fairly going to chat. I fed him some modeling work rubbish and he was all mine, hearing my every word. Maybe it was a bit excessive proceed my component, the boy truly needed cash and also it was easy to persuade him to do some nasties. 30 minutes and two orgasms later I was completely damaged as well as drawn completely dry. A better result compared to I wished for:–RRB-.

Categories: Twinks, Amateur, Outdoor, Teen, POV, self made

Tags: cock, boy, Outdoor, Public Toilet, Public Sex, Big Dick, boys, dick, public, streets, dicks, street, czechhunter